Promoting Comprehensive Reform of Vocational School Education with Innovative Management


  • Qian Li



Vocational school, Innovative management, Reform.


With the advent of the era of big data, in order to meet the training needs of social talents, the field of education is also undergoing continuous reform and innovation. After continuous exploration and discovery, schools need new management measures and ideas to promote all-round development, especially vocational schools are bearing the responsibility of training skilled talents. How to cultivate talents to meet the needs of social development, employees to meet the needs of enterprises, and students to meet the aspirations of success, are all the goals of vocational schools. In the past few years, vocational schools have been exploring ways of educational reform through school enterprise cooperation, integration of industry and education, and collaborative education. With the coming of industry 4.0 era, vocational education has entered a new round of development and will face new opportunities and challenges. Therefore, in the form of deepening the comprehensive reform of vocational education, vigorously promoting innovative management methods will certainly promote the comprehensive reform of education in the true sense of vocational schools.


