National independence movement and political game of great powers——An analysis of the position of the British Balfour declaration and the reasons for Israel's victory in the second stage of the 1948 war


  • Yixin Zhang



Israel, Palestine Issues,The Balfour Declaration ,Civil War of Israel.


The Middle East issue has always been a hot and sensitive issue in the world. The Contemporary Middle East issue mainly includes the contradiction between Arab and Israel, and the core of the Middle East issue is the Palestinian issue. In the process of the rise and development of Zionism and the establishment of the state of Israel, in addition to the subjective role of the national will and national power of the Jews, the intervention and interference of big powers played an important and sometimes even decisive role. The interference of external political forces can be traced back to the Balfour Declaration issued by the British government. After the Second World War, the Zionists turned to gain support from the United States and Soviet Union and realized their long cherished wish for the establishment of the state of Israel. This paper first analyzes the motivation of Britain to publish Balfour Declaration, and then analyzes the reasons for Israel's victory in the 1948-1948 war. This is the process of Israeli Zionism development and the result of mediation game among political forces.


